Sunday, September 03, 2006

What makes a good Blog post?

I was looking around at our classmates blogs and noticing which postings were getting comments. It made me wonder what makes a good blog post. I think for our purposes it would be different since we are trying to create class discussions on our blogs. Some of the things I am thinking of right off the top of my head would be: brevity, good title, questions to the reader, and a focus on a single topic. What do you think makes a good blog post for our purposes?

1 comment:

พ่อบ้านเล่างานวิจัย said...

This is what I have got from Christopher D. Sessums's blog as we discussed in Dr.Ferdig's class last semester. He argues that good blog must be focusing in certain topic--with a short, clear tag line. Blog with an unambiguous mission supports your blogging (writing) goal and helps audiences coming back to your blog. Further, you should go out there and make connections with bloggers that share common interest.